Directed by:

Philip Saville


The Story :

Chris and Toni have grown up together in suburban London in the early 60s. In an age full of angry young men, they excel in their rebellion against the values of middle England and dream of jazz clubs and the boulevards of Paris. Trapped in "Metroland", the suburban sprawl at the end of the London Underground's Metropolitan Line, they were the best of friends.

By the end of the 60s, both have escaped. Toni has disappeared to Africa while Chris is working in Henri's bar at Paris and living with Annick, a liberated young French girl who embodies the freedom he dreamed of as a young man. His early hopes seem to have been fulfilled but then he meets Marion, a young English girl. He falls in love and returns to London and a suburban life.

Nine years later, in 1977, Chris is happily married to Marion, back in Metroland, with a baby daughter. Then one day Toni returns from his travels. He has seen the world but has never settled down and cannot believe his friend has fallen into the life they so fully rejected.

Fired by the energy of Punk and the freedom of the 70s, he tries to show Chris that there is still a lot of adventure to be had in life, and that he is too young to settle down. Drawn to his friend, Chris starts to doubt the certainties he has built his life upon and starts to question the choices he has made. Then one night at a party, he meets Joanna and for the first time puts his marriage at risk...

"Metroland isn't a place. It's a state of mind."

Metroland Author is Julian Barnes

Music by:

Mark Knopfler

Produced by:

Andrew Bendel

Distributed by: Pandora 7. rue Keppler 75116 Paris. - Tel.: 33140709090 Fax: 33140709091